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Hills Topsoil – a first class growing medium

Hills has built an enviable reputation for the quality of both its aggregates and service. The publication of Hills’ Responsible Sourcing & Efficiency Plan and the roll out of the CE marking materials register provides further reassurance to customers.

Hills’ Responsible Sourcing and Efficiency Plan (published in conjunction with Land & Mineral Management) gives contractors the reassurance that Hills’ construction materials (aggregates and concrete) are responsibly and sustainably sourced and that any social, environmental or economic impacts have been minimised responsibly sourced and compliant with BES6001. Click here to download Hills’ ‘Responsible Sourcing and Efficiency Plan’.

Hills Quarry Products has completed an 8 month project to produce CE declarations of conformity and marking for all aggregate products. The impressive level of detail in the CE declarations covers variables such as ‘particle density’, ‘resistance to abrasion’ and ‘durability against freeze thaw’ – gives customers further confidence that they are buying quality Hills’ products from a tried and tested source.

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