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Hills Quarry Products’ Waste Acceptance Procedures are changing from 2 August 2021.

Hills is updating its waste acceptance and booking-in procedures to ensure compliance with Environment Agency legislation.

From 2 August 2021, customers wishing to tip inert waste will be required to book loads in advance. This will also involve the submission of paperwork, including correctly completed Waste Acceptance Forms and relevant testing documents. We ask that you book your material in the day before you want to tip. You can do this by calling our sales number 01793 714999, and your sales contact will be in touch to go through any questions you may have.

Each Waste Acceptance Form is an inert declaration and should contain a full address, including postcode, the relevant selection of EWC Code, waste description and detailed information on the previous use of the site where the material originated from. It should also state the total anticipated volume of material to be removed from site, in order to establish the amount of testing results that are required to classify as inert and meet Environment Agency requirements, along with Hills’ own compliance procedures. For full details please liaise directly with your Hills Quarry Products’ sales contact.

At the point of tipping, Waste Transfer Notes should display concise information matching its corresponding declaration. In order to comply, single source waste streams (from a single site) will be subject to testing where deemed necessary. WAC testing results from each Waste Transfer Station source will be required monthly.

Please also note that if you are transporting any kind of waste you should hold a valid Waste Carriers License, to ensure compliance with Environment Agency legislation. You will be asked to produce this upon arrival at Hills’ inert tipping sites and failure to do so may result in the vehicle being turned away and not being allowed to tip. We also reserve the right to refuse tipping of material that is deemed unsuitable for the site eg is overly wet, contains tarmac, topsoil, green waste and/or any waste stream not covered by our permit.

If you are unsure how this affects your business, please do not hesitate to contact our sales team on 01793 714999. Click here for inert tipping.

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